Saturday, March 26, 2011

what a week!!

Spring break, my @ss!! No breaks here and no rest for the weary!

Monday I admit, I worked an 8 hour shift, came home, and sat on the couch watching tv. However the rest of the week has been nonstop action.

Tuesday I worked, then did my first 5 mile (8K). I'm still paying for it today, my left hamstring has been giving me fits for a few days. Not fun, not fun at all!

Wednesday, it was wound care observations and then spent about 5 hours when I got home doing research for my case study project. I have to say, after 3 years of this, I've found one area of physical therapy that is *not* for me. I told Chad last night that if the only job I got offered was doing wound care, it was a deal breaker. I'd work at McDonalds. Interesting, but ewww.

Thursday was back to work and research,  except that I finally got the research done and started on my outline.

Friday, worked 8 hours and came home. The darned chicken I put out to thaw was still totally frozen so we ended up going out to eat at one of the local restaurants. I haven't eaten at Smokey D's since it moved from Bandana to LaCenter but it was wonderful!! I had forgotten how much I love their catfish...and I'm really not a catfish fan. That's sort of like saying "I don't like Basketball" ... around these parts, that makes you a pariah. However, in my case, both are true.

I worked on my outline until about 11. Honestly I should be working on it now...but I'm here, blogging instead! LOL I need to finish it up because I have to provide copies of my outline to my classmates, to the first year students, and to my instructors. I had *planned* on being done, taking it to work yesterday and running copies there. Free. LOL But  I didn't get done so looks like sometime this weekend I'll be making a trip to Office Depot and having copies done there.

I still have to write out my home exercise plan to discharge my patient with, write up my SOAP note for one of my treatments, find pictures and set up my display. Not to mention the regular homework and reading I need to do. I'm so ready for school to be over!!!

Today they are tearing down old house that I grew up in. I just couldn't go watch. It would be different if my dad were still alive and he wanted it gone. But he loved that house, and even after we moved into the new house right next door...he kept the old house as a workshop. It was a one room school house, someone moved it to our property and then my parents purchased the property a little while later. It was a fun old house to grow up in, lots of history...good and bad. I wonder how many kids ran thru those front and back doors. I wonder about the family of the man that killed himself there. I will never forget freezing half to death in the winter because we heated with wood and my room was at the back of the house. I think that's probably why I sleep with a ton of blankets...even though we have central heat! I remember Mom hanging our clothes on the backs of chairs by the stove so when I got up, I would race up to the front of the house and jump in warm clothes. The floors were always freezing!! In my older child days, we bought a new wood burning stove that had a fan built it. It's a wonder I didn't burn my feet off, I would race up there, and then stick my feet up under the stove, inside the fan area to warm them.
Summers were hot...all that linoleum on the floors. We'd be sitting on the floor watching tv and try to get up and be stuck to the floor. The floors still looked great though, after all these years. Even a few weeks ago when we were in there cleaning them out they looked dirty, but good. Floors now days sure don't last that long!
There was a spot on the ceiling with footprints. My mom was gone to work one night, and my dad (probably having had too much to drink!) got to laughing and kidding with us, and for whatever reason (I don't remember??) he pulled out the ash pan under the stove, dipped our feet in, flipped us upside down and had us walk across the ceiling. I remember my mom coming home and being pissed, pissed, pissed! Oh she was mad! If the feet had still shown up after all these years I probably would have pulled the panel down and kept it.

Let's not forget the time I fell out of the top of the closet and snagged my lip on the 16 penny roofing nail that stuck out for me to hang my backpack and coat on. That babysitter never came back.

Or the time that Jason and I were swinging from the closet door to the bed, bouncing off the bed, and landing on top of the cast iron table in his room. Except he missed just once and knocked his front tooth out. Or the time a few weeks later he was riding his tricycle and slammed into the front porch steps and knocked the other tooth out.  I yell at my kids to this day for slamming their bikes into the porch...I'm still traumatized by that! LOL

The old barn door I had for a bedroom door, that would open on the top, or you could open both halves. Super fun for a kid growing up. We had that crazy dog so half the time I just crawled over the top of the door instead of opening the bottom half.

Time marches on....

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