Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Lie...

Man. What a day.

It was mostly good, and overall, even now, still mostly good. I have a child who is quiet and calm, well mannered, and just generally laid back. He is responsible, makes good grades, plays sports, and is very active in 4H with the engineering and snap robotics.

Then I have the child that gives me gray hair. She is the polar opposite of my son, and she is wearing me out. The sad part is she is so freaking smart, but she knows it...and therefore only puts forth the bare minimum of effort.  The biggest thing lately has been the lying. I suppose that part if it has been distraction on my part, and a lack of time to focus on her behaviour. As I told her last week, a new sheriff is in town!

So anyway, I found out that she not only lied to her Nana, but got caught. Nana let it go, and I can't exactly do anything about it a few weeks later. But she lied to me tonight too, over something really silly. This on top of her trying to sneak her Nintendo DS to school in her backpack this week too. And I guess I realized that I've got to step up my game and make her understand that this type of stuff will not be tolerated. Not by us, not by her boss when she gets a job, and not by people as a whole.

So here I sit, with chips, salsa & cheese, and a margarita. Yes I know it's a weeknight, but damn, I'm tired. Parenting is  enough to drive one to drinking. No saltwater to sit by, so I just have to settle for salt on the rim of my glass.

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