Monday, December 12, 2011


Here it is, finally, graduation! Well, ok, it was last week, but I've been busy celebrating with my friends and fellow graduates this weekend. My husband is still on night shift, at least until the lay offs starts. I have gotten up in the mornings, got my kiddos ready for school, and promptly went back to bed with my honey. Has been nice to just spend time together and relax. He had finals last week, so not quite as relaxing for him, but this week is off to a great start!!
I should really be up and about. I need to clean my house (for reasons I can't post on the internet, just yet anyways!!) and I need to go get the cashier's checks so I can send off my application to test to the state boards and the Federation. Fingers crossed! I need to test prior to Feb,or else I'm going to get trapped in the new rules that take place which only allow testing 3 times per year. I'm not overly excited about taking the licensure test, but I'm sure not planning to wait until April to test either!
Things have been crazy nuts, but I can at least see a little bit of down time in my future. With US Foods closing down their Paducah division, I have *got* to find something full time to provide us with insurance, and that's a stressful thought. I had been in school all this time just planning to work PRN (because that's where the $$ is) and could work around my kids and their sports schedules. I'm really not looking forward to working full time and having to carry the insurance and benefits because I know the hours are going to be crazy long. Anything in the medical field is. But... I'm hoping that this will at least give my husband a rest, who's worked like a dog the last 3 years to put me through school. He's worked 80+ hrs a week at his "night job" and picked up a couple odd jobs here and there as needed to help make ends meet. He's a true treasure!
Hoping and praying something will open up!
In the meantime, it's a cleaning frenzy around here! 2 years worth of deep cleaning to be done.  :)

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